Lisbon Crooks

Mr. Benga's R-Fixe


Coming to you from Mr. Benga, to make the world a better place. This board has done a bit of traveling already, don't be jealous. Lisbon to New York City via Lufthansa. Thanks to the Germans for transporting this little fishy safely, and free of charge. This board is Portuguese, say R-Fish.

A message about this board from the Lisbon Crooks:

A fish is a fish, and our fish is not different from other fishes. And it's a retro fish because we like Marco Paulo, the greatest Portuguese singer of all times and a surfer too. But no one ever knew that he surfed with a fish board in Costa da Caparica every Sunday.

A board made for experienced surfers that wanna have fun, or beginners that want to improve their surfing skills. The retro fish is the perfect board for casual surfers, that wanna have fun in the waves and look good obviously.

R-Fish 5'6'' x 21 1/2'' x 2 5/8'' x 35L - Yellow / Lightning Bolt - Twin Fin ( )

SHAPYR stock available now, located Long Island, NY.

This board is sold out. Contact Lisbon Crooks directly for a custom order.

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