Imaginary Surf Co

The Syncro


5'4" x 20 1/4" x 2 7/16"

Made with Supersap bioresin, high strength vacuum bagged S glass, Corecork construction and vented EPS core. Satin finish. Tri-fin or quad, your call. 

The syncro is my do it all shortboard for Long Island and New Jersey waves. Double concave low rocker, user friendly and just plain fun.

A little about the construction: built to be insanely strong and light with the feel of polyester but better flex. The same cork used in aerospace construction for shock dampening, which translates to a better feel than other epoxies and better flex. The real bonus... kiss your wax goodbye. Cork feels like suede underfoot and is just as grippy as wax without all the goo everywhere. This is the next level.

Available for local pickup in NYC or contact for shipping.

In stock as of April 30, 2015.

This board is sold out. Contact Imaginary Surf Co directly for a custom order.

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